
What the hell happened to you?

Me? Nothing.

I’m great.

Look at you, though.

Regular little soldier man.

You a hard ass now.

What are you doing here?

It’s Parents Day and I am your legal guardian.

You’re drunk.

Don’t you walk away from me.


Give me a little salute.

I’m not gonna salute you.

You salute your superiors.

Or don’t they teach that around here?

What superior?

They kicked you out, remember?

Don’t you sass me like your mother.

You’re mine now.

I own you.

And you will respect me.

Now you salute me.


You hit that boy again, I’m gonna do more than salute you.

This is between me and my son.


Whoever he is, he’s on my time now.

Now I’m gonna ask you nicely,

Please return to your vehicle.

You go on now.

Go on back to your bunk, son.

Major Payne, sir.


I wanna get that trophy, sir.

Come again?

I wanna get that trophy, sir.

What, you want to steal it?

No, sir.

You wanna win it?

I wanna earn it, sir.

The rest of you men feel the same way.

Then meet me on the parade ground, 1700 hours.

We got work to do.