

I just wanted to apologize.

Fine, you apologised.

You know, I got my license.

Yeah, whoop-dee-doo.

Hey, what’s with you?

What do you expect me to do cartwheels or something?

No, I just expected a little bit of courtesy maybe.

But I guess that’s just for people with fancy cars and things like that, right?


Hey, can’t you take a hint?

Hey, what’s the matter? The truth hurt?

So you really think that’s it, don’t you?

Yeah, I know that’s it.

Yeah, well, you’re wrong.

Oh, I bet I’m wrong.

You know, Daniel, I didn’t go out with you because of a car or where you live.

Okay, well, while you’re on the subject, why did you then?

Why did you?

Because I thought that–


I thought that maybe you and me were different.

Yeah, we’re different.

I’m from Reseda, you’re from the hills, that’s how we’re different.

That’s not what I meant.

Why don’t you just admit that you can’t handle the situation the way it is then?

You know, I can handle it fine. You can’t.

What makes you so sensitive?


She’s never been anything but nice to you.

Oh, yeah, she was so nice, she used me to make what’s-his-name jealous.

She doesn’t even like what’s-his-name.

Yeah, I never could have guessed the way their faces were stuck together at that country club.

Oh, that’s right.

You didn’t stick around for the, uh…exciting conclusion.

Oh, what was that, his hand on her ass?

Her right hook.

You think she sprained her wrist doing her nails?

What, she hit him?

It’s an understatement.

Why didn’t she say something?

She shouldn’t have to, should she?