Bring Back Your Inner Child!
Remember when you were a kid and you’d mimic your favorite TV characters?
Without realizing it…you were studying the language.
You didn’t learn your native language in a textbook…
You learned it by watching and mimicking real native content.
So if you’re learning a new language, why would you do anything different?
But Don’t Stop There…
By 1 years old, a child might speak their first word…
By 2 years old, they might speak in short broken 2-3 word sentences…
By 3 years old, they can finally have a basic conversation…
It takes a long time – but only because they’re learning it all for the first time.
You already have years of life experience!
Use your experience and use study tools to help you progress 10x faster!
Start With Video

A child listens to the world around them – they understand nothing – but they hear everything.
Don’t pressure yourself to understanding everything all at once.
Sit back, relax, and enjoy watching the world.
The easiest way is through video.
1st Watch – Sit back and enjoy (you could even have the subtitles in your native language if you want).
2nd Watch – Turn on captions (in your target language) and read along.
3rd Watch – Break down the language.
Break Down The Language

Sentences are the heart of language – and the core of learning.
There’s an estimated goal: If you can learn 10,000 sentences, then you can reach conversational fluency in your target language.
That might seem like a lot! But the sentences could add up easily:
- I like dogs.
- I like to go swimming.
- I like playing sports.
- I like my mom’s cooking.
- I like learning languages.
Imagine learning all of these phrases with native audio!
This is what language learning pros like to call: Sentence Mining
Pick Up The Pieces

If sentences are the heart of language – then words are the blood.
Take “Run” for example, you can say,
- I like to run.
And you can imagine a person in athletic gear running along the beach.
You can also say,
- I run my own store.
It has a whole new meaning! (Even though it’s the same word.)
Every word has a definition, but it takes Context to give that definition life.
How To Get The Most Out Of Every Bit Of Content
🔑 The LingoBits + Mezasu.com Method
Mezasu.com is a language learning web application that focuses on sentence mining and saving terms.
Follow along with a free account at Mezasu.com
Start with video content from LingoBits! (and copy the YouTube link)
In Mezasu.com, paste the link in your Clip List (aka Watch List).
📝 This works with any YouTube link.

Watch the video (captions automatically play below the video).
📝 YouTube videos without captions will not show captions.

Find a phrase you want to save and practice – then clip out the audio to exactly what you want.
(You can also save the text along with the audio)

Use your audio clips for speaking practice!
- Listen to the audio clip.
- Record yourself speaking that same clip.
- Compare.

Save terms and create flashcards with a dynamic review system.
There are 2 Decks (Vocabulary & Sentences).
Vocabulary Deck: You review the definitions of the terms you want to learn.
Sentences Deck: When you get familiar with the definition, the system automatically guides you to create sentence cards for the term.
(Note: Sentence cards coming soon for free users)
